Ephesians Sunday school class

Ephesians - Adult Sunday school

In Ephesians, Paul urges us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. He gives instructions to flee from immorality, to honor Christ in our day-to-day relationships, and to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. However, this is not where Paul begins. Instead, he starts with a beautiful doxology or praise for what God has done for us through Christ and the Holy Spirit. 

Paul dedicates the first half of his letter to the extraordinary privileges that are ours in Christ before he gives any instruction. This order is vital for us to understand. It’s only because of who we are in Christ that we can walk or live in Him. When we know this, we can’t help but see the practical nature of theology. 

  • April 16 - Introduction 
  • April 23 - The Father’s Purpose (1:1-6)
  • April 30 - The Son’s Mission and the Spirit’s Assurance (1:7-14)
  • May 7 - The Church Triumphant (1:15-23) 
  • May 14 - The Gift of God (2:1-10)
  • May 21 - Church on the Lawn (no Sunday School)
  • May 28 - Brought Near (2:11-22) 
  • June 4 - Counterfeit Callings Exposed (3:1-13)
  • June 11 - Powerful and Glorious Love (3:14-21) 
  • June 18 - Owner’s Manual for the Church (4:1-16) 
  • June 25 - The Old and the New (4:17-24)
  • July 2 - Witness of Grace (4:25-32) 
  • July 9 - Imitators of God (5:1-21) 
  • July 16 - Sacrificial Head; Submissive Wife (5:22-33) 
  • July 23 - God’s Household and God’s Armor (6:1-24) 
  • July 30 - Wrap up (group discussion)

Audio links will be added each week.

April 16, 2023

This week we kick off our new Sunday school series on Ephesians. We'll begin with a look at the historical background of Paul's letter, the cultural challenges faced in Ephesus, and how God's word given through Paul continues to be relevant and of immense importance to us today. 

April 23, 2023

This week we dig into Ephesians and discuss the first six verses which highlight the eternal purpose the Father has for us as he brings us salvation. Ephesians is a rich text that will be incredibly comforting to us, as it was for the early Church. Join us as we dive into learning more and exploring the Father's purpose!

April 30, 2023

Because of one's position in Christ there proceeds blessings from God.

This week we discover why in Christianity salvation is first positional before it is practiced. 

May 7, 2023

May 14, 2023

Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone but faith itself is not alone. Come join us this Sunday as we explore spiritual death, new life, and the gift of God.

May 28, 2023

We continue our study of Ephesians by looking at our new status because of our salvation. Paul says we once were 'far off' but have been 'brought near'. We will discuss what this new status means for us not only in our relationship to God but also our relationship to each other.

June 4, 2023

Paul suffered imprisonment, countless beatings, and hunger and thirst. But for what? Why would he endure all this? What kept him going? Come to Sunday school at 9 am as we look into the mystery that gave Paul such boldness and how this same mystery ought to impact us. 

June 11, 2023

Prayer: Learn from the best! We will take a look at how Paul prays and what we can learn from his experience.

June 18, 2023

Ephesians 4 begins a shift in Paul's focus as he describes how the grace of God in Christ Jesus results in a changed life. However, Paul doesn't start with the individual believer but with the church, the body of Christ. What is the importance of the church? Why does God not want us to live our new life in isolation? Join us for Sunday school this week as we answer these questions and more. 

June 25, 2023

Join us this Sunday as we discuss Ephesians 4:17-24 and what it means to put off your old self and to be made new in Christ. It is a joy to be created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness!

July 2, 2023

We are to live the life that we have been called by God, which is displayed by truth and love through our thoughts, actions, and feelings. Christ expects nothing he has not already done, so we must strive to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving toward one another as Christ has forgiven us. Simple, but not easy. We will talk about the challenges involved in demonstrating authentic love toward each other.

July 9, 2023

In Ephesians 5:1-21, Paul continues to describe what our lives together as believers, as “one new man,” should look like, enabled by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.  Join us as we explore elements of our calling to be “imitators of God,” to be salt and light in this world that needs to hear and understand the Gospel.

July 16, 2023

God's design: Biblical submission, family headship. Christ shows us the way. Ephesians 5:22-33. 

July 23, 2023

How should our new lives in Christ affect our households and how we treat one another? Are there specific responsibilities God calls us to fulfill in the roles He entrusts us? On July 23, we discuss Ephesians 6:1-9 and see how the gospel shapes these relationships and brings our focus ultimately to Christ.

July 30, 2023

Join us Sunday as we conclude our study through Ephesians. We'll see how God equips us for spiritual warfare and discuss our responsibility in putting on and taking up the armor of God. Also, since ours is a spiritual battle, what does it even look like to fight in this battle?

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