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“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7) Though the depths of God’s glory and grace are bottomless, we shall continually strive to know God more.

To Read

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  • 1689 London Baptist Confession

    The Church’s final and ultimate authority is the Word of God. There are, however, explanations of biblical doctrine which have served the church throughout its history. The classic and Reformed confessions/creeds of the church have been born out of moments of much-needed clarity. They have also helped the church define orthodoxy, informed its worship and provided it with a trusted exposition of the Gospel of Christ. While they are not inspired, or authoritative, they are helpful. We have attached the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession to our church’s statement of faith in order to assist us in our pursuit of Reformed orthodoxy. To the extent that we can agree with its statements we affirm the usefulness of this document to the church. 

    1689 London Baptist Confession

  • The Church: A Community Set Apart by God

    An excellent introduction to the purpose and function of the Church in general, and our church culture and beliefs in particular, this booklet was originally written as a small group study. 

    Download PDF here

  • Words to Live By

    This study unpacks some of the nuanced theology of the Gospel. It’s a closer look at the core doctrines of the Cross – words like justification, propitiation, adoption, glorification – in order to help us comprehend the magnitude of our salvation and the infinite greatness of our God.

    Download PDF here

To Watch

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To Listen

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  • Vintage Faith Sunday School class

    A study of the 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession. 

    Class page 

    Listen on OneChurch

  • What is a Healthy Church Member? Fall 2023

    Attending church services is undoubtedly part of being a healthy member. In these gatherings, we enjoy the ordinary means God has given to strengthen and nourish us on Christ. However, this growth isn't merely of the individual believer, but God grows us together as one body in Christ Jesus. He gathers us to love and serve one another through active participation in the local church. But what does active participation in the church look like?

    This Sunday school series will explore how we can be healthy participants in the church. As a general framework for the class, we're using the book What Is a Healthy Church Member? by Thabiti Anyabwile.

    This series concludes with a special 3-week membership class.

    Listen on Soundcloud

  • Ephesians - Summer 2023

    April - July 2023 Adult Sunday School

    Listen on Soundcloud

    In Ephesians, Paul urges us to walk in a manner worthy of our calling. He gives instructions to flee from immorality, to honor Christ in our day-to-day relationships, and to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. However, this is not where Paul begins. Instead, he starts with a beautiful doxology or praise for what God has done for us through Christ and the Holy Spirit. 

    Paul dedicates the first half of his letter to the extraordinary privileges that are ours in Christ before he gives any instruction. This order is vital for us to understand. It’s only because of who we are in Christ that we can walk or live in Him. When we know this, we can’t help but see the practical nature of theology. 

  • Forgiveness - Men's Retreat 2023

    We are so often tripped up and weighed down by bitterness and unforgiveness. So many relationships are lost or stunted due to an unwillingness to forgive past wrongs. Now consider the damage that can be done when those broken relationships are those in your home. How can we shepherd our family when bitterness has taken root? But praise God; there is hope in Christ! In Him, we are set free to forgive others as He has forgiven us. 

    Session 1

    Session 2

    Session 3

    Sunday Sermon (Session 4)

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